Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Character Bio.

Name: Melinda Devry.

Nicknames: Mel, Meli, Linda.

Gender: Female.

Age: 18.

Species: Witch.

Orientation: Pansexual.

Homeworld: Asmiara.

Location: Anova.

Relationship Status: Taken.

Romantic Interests: Gavriella Paxton.

Familiar: Dylana Kevser-Devry. (Magical animal: Pink Dolphin.) 


Height: 4'11.

Figure: Slender, petite. 

Hair: Red. 

Eyes: Blue. 

Skin Tone: Creamy Complexion. 

Tattoos/Markings: N/A. 


The Past

Melinda was born to the brother of the Devry Clan Head at the time, and his wife, she was their only daughter and they doted upon her, giving her everything a daughter could ask for even if it meant taking trips to Earth to procure certain books. Their daughter was quite the scholarly type, she lived to learn new things and loved to meet new people just to ask them questions, at least that was how she was before the onset of magical puberty when her powers, specifically her magical speciality manifested itself granting her three specific talents: Telekinesis, Empathy and the ability to Stop Time, but only in her immediate area. Being the scholarly type she believed understanding her powers would help her learn to control them, so she'd test her magical limits daily, however it soon became obvious this wasn't going to be easy, the constant bombardment of other people's feelings overwhelmed her and she took to hiding in her own private library and away from the world. The only people she'd really spend time with other than her parents were her cousins, Katia and Kaleigh whom she was very close to and almost thinks of as sisters.

It would have continued this way with detrimental side effects, such as becoming overloaded by her powers and exploding if it hadn't been for her clan's Patron God, Sindri Morgan and his coaxing her out of her self imposed exile by offering to take her on as his student and teach her how to cope with her powers. It was her teacher that convinced her to start going out and socialising again, leading her to meet her first love, Hawthorne Giese. The witch boy who grew up believing he was human even though he was raised by a family of witches. She'd been happy for the first time in as long as she could remember, but the boy had disappeared without a trace and she'd later learned he was dead.

All things considered she should have been more devastated than she was by the news, she'd cared a lot about the boy, however it would appear that learning of his death gave her the closure that she needed to fully move on. She began to grow closer to her closest friend, a girl she bonded with over the awkwardness of not having very many friends. It was after an adventure that led to the discovery of a lost island she hadn't known existed that she began to question just how she felt for Gavriella. After being referred to by the Elf King as Gavi's light the closeness between the two seemed to truly develop leading Mel to realise she might actually be in love with her friend.

The Present

She'd never get around to telling her friend how she felt though, because shortly after her eighteenth birthday she decided to go travelling and see the different worlds and put to use the knowledge she'd acquired from books. She'd spend months gone before making a sudden reappearance in the Blue Moon Tavern upon the Planet Hellifyno, driven there out of pure curiosity to see if anything had changed since her last visit. She's learned a few things about herself, such as her inability to deal with conflict, she's compelled to defuse fights and arguments as calmly as possible, sometimes to the detriment of her own health, as if self preservation flies right out the window.

Seeing Gavi again, when the girl appeared after she'd just broken up a fight and was mentally drained from the excursion just reminded her how much she'd missed the girl, and a conversation with one of her sisters has resolved the little mouse of a witch to tell her friend exactly how she feels.

In response to confessing her feelings and learning that her friend shared them, which she should have guessed given her ability to know the emotions of others. Mel and Gavriella begin to date. A prospect that in the beginning saw the little empath blushing at the slightest trace of affection. A trait she thankfully managed to overcome the longer the pair are together.

She's still working on winning over her girlfriend's brother, determined to use her friendly charm to gain at least grudging approval from the grump.

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Character Bio.

Name: Melinda Devry. Nicknames: Mel, Meli, Linda. Gender: Female. Age: 18. Species: Witch. Orientation: Pansexual...